About SHAB

The Student Health Advisory Board (SHAB) of Oregon State University acts as a link between Student Health Services, Associated Students of Oregon State University (ASOSU), the University Budget Committee, and the general student population.


To be eligible to apply for SHAB, the applicant must meet the following criteria:

  • Enrolled Oregon State University student

  • Commit to actively attending and participating in at least two-thirds of planned meetings (1-2 hours in duration per meeting) per term.

  • If selected, be able to commit to at least a one-year term

  • Express the desire to promote health and well-being through health equity and advocacy of the Oregon State University community

  • Express interest in health policy and the administrative side of healthcare

SHAB Membership

Student Health Advisory Board membership consists of both voting and non-voting members.

Voting members include:

  • ASOSU Director of Wellness

  • ASOSU Director of Non-Traditional Affairs

  • ASOSU Director of International Affairs

  • One student representing Disability Access Services

  • Six undergraduate students at-large

  • Two graduate students at-large

  • Four faculty members not directly associated with Student Health Services appointed by the Vice Provost for Student Affairs

Want to serve on the Student Health Advisory Board?

Applications are currently being accepted for the Student Health Advisory Board. Access the application page for the SHAB. For additional information, please contact Amy Frasieur.


Voting Members 2022-23

My name is Anna and I am a premed-Post Bacc here at OSU. I have an undergraduate degree in Biomedical Science and a Master in Public Health with a focus in Community Health Education. I am very excited to be on the SHAB board because of the vision that SHAB has on influencing and improving the health and wellbeing of the OSU student body in collaboration with SHS. I find myself very fortunate to be a part of an enthusiastic group of “intelligent go getters” and “doers” this year and I am looking forward to seeing what we will accomplish together! If you have any questions about SHAB or are considering serving on the SHAB board, please feel free to reach out to me and I would love to tell you about our work. 

Hello everyone my name is Jessica Lopez. I am a bio health science and Spanish Major with a minor in psychology with pre-PA option. I am currently working affiliated with Good Samaritan Hospital, ASOSU SafeRide, and Willamette Valley Toxicology. I enjoy working in the medial field and bringing a smile! I joined the Student Health Advisory Board because I enjoy doing public health and outreach in the OSU community. 

Non-Voting Faculty

Kelly_smAs a nurse and leader, I have been lucky to work in many roles in a variety of healthcare organizations from public health to hospital systems and have found college health to be where my passion lies.  I grew up in Corvallis, and am an OSU alumni, making me very passionate about connecting our student community to the greater Corvallis community. 

SHAB_AmyHello! I currently serve as the advisor for SHAB. I am grateful for this opportunity to work with such a wonderful group of student board members who are excited and passionate about healthcare and health equity. In addition to my advisor role, I currently serve as the Health Equity Specialist and Nutritionist at Student Health Services. My framework for each of these roles is informed by a social justice and relational lens. I care deeply about transforming our healthcare systems into equitable and loving places for care and healing. In my spare time I enjoy cooking and baking, reading, podcasts, and long meandering walks/adventures.


  •  Gather student body opinion on physical and mental health services, student health insurance options and effectiveness.

  • Advise SHS leadership about student concerns and priorities related to student health and wellness.

  • Communicate to students and student government through appropriate channels.

  • Review proposed annual budget of Student Health Services (SHS) with the SHS Executive Director.

  • Advocate for the SHS health fee to the University Budget Committee (UBC) in partnership with Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS) student fee board.

  • Evaluate and recommend changes to SHS programs and services based on the best interests of OSU students.

  • Serve as a liaison between the Associated Students of Oregon State University (ASOSU), SIFC and SHS.

  • Identify initiatives that promote a healthy university community.



Past Projects

  • Collaboration with OSU Wellness Agents, ASOSU, and SHS on the Beavs care Beavs Cover face covering campaign.

  • Faces behind SHS: recognition and introduction of SHS staff and providers

  • Collaborations with the CAPS student advisory board, HSRC, ASOSU, Wellness Agents, and other student organizations on campus

  • Educating the student community about their student health fee

  • Providing feedback and student voices to SHS

  • Creating a positive and welcoming relationship between SHS and the OSU student community



For more information about SHAB or about becoming a member, send us an email!